
Nuestros servicios


Birth Chart

Benefit from an astrological consultation with one of the most accurate astrologers in the Houston area.

Horary Question

Make a quick astrological consultation about a specific matter (job interview, work meeting, marriage, starting a business).

Academia Sagittarius

Academia de formación integral en astrología.

The Astrological Symbols

The most effective basic course on the astrological symbols

Procedural Astrology

Take a brief course in procedural astrology so that you may limit the amount of mistakes you make during interpretation.

Student Counsel

Ask for advice on study and/or professional work.

Astrología horaria

Para estudiantes avanzados y/o astrólogos.

Asesoría General

Escépticos y curiosos pueden separar una sesión de orientación totalmente gratuita.


Request an accurate translation of astrological content

Ediciones Sagitario

Publish your article, paper, essay, or book with us.
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