David Bustamante S. (M.A.)
How many people “are” Aries or Virgo or have brown eyes? Would we describe them all the same? When we are asked about “our” Zodiac sign, we are asked about the position of only the Sun during the epoch of birth (not even the day, much less coordinates such as time or place). The Sun sign constitutes a minuscule part of our astrological birth chart (astrography), for in it we assess ten heavenly bodies, twelve signs (not constellations), twelve regions, and five angular relationships, which, so far, represents more than 7,200 possible combinations. Only in this way could astrology be separated from horoscopism, which does not — simply because it cannot — bear any scientific basis.
DAVID BUSTAMANTE SEGOVIA, better known as SAGITTARIUS, is a Hispanic-American legal translator, professor, and astrologer, author of Commentary on astrology according to epigenetics (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8210413). He has contributed with his articles and papers to the Spanish Society of Astrology (SPICA), The Mountain Astrologer (USA), and to GeA (Buenos Aires). He is also the author of Time Dilation according to Tropical Astrology and Why the Placidus Measurement of Astrographic Regions is Compatible with Relativity Theory (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13841957). Bustamante studies both physics and astrology relentlessly and has a special passion for medicine and classical music and considers considers astrology a non-exact scientific discipline (resembling medicine, meteorology, or forensic psychology) that contemporary Western society has wrongfully reduced to Sun-sign “astrology”. Bustamante writes against ignorance and superstition and in favor of scientific literacy, conscience, and reason.
He holds a BA in Psychology and a master’s degree in Journalism. He also has taken courses in Law and Genetics and taught Writing and Journalism genres. He is an associate member of the American Translators Association (ATA), a Cambridge certified English teacher, and an expert in Legal English (Washington D.C.), which he also teaches.
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Asesoría General
Procedural Astrology
Horary Question
Birth Chart
Opiniones profesionales
Comentarios sobre el trabajo de SAGITTARIUS por parte de otros profesionales de la disciplina.
Juan Estadella
Spanish researcher and astrologer
Barcelona, Spain
“Bustamante’s research follows this path, undertaken in the last century by a few astrological scholars. We urgently need research with a similar profile. […] In the face of a publishing production full of manuals with useless astrological recipes that hardly contribute anything to this knowledge, the present study successfully distances itself from this uniform and gray bibliographical reality. […] Bustamante’s work constitutes a valuable contribution to our collective, another golden stone in the construction of the astrological pyramid. It is to be hoped that it will receive the welcome it deserves and that its author will continue to offer this discipline his efforts and research talent, for the good of astrology itself”.
Excerpt from the Foreword of ASTROGENESIS, future publication of Sagittarius.
Juan Estadella
Spanish researcher and astrologer
Barcelona, Spain
“Bustamante’s research follows this path, undertaken in the last century by a few astrological scholars. We urgently need research with a similar profile. […] In the face of a publishing production full of manuals with useless astrological recipes that hardly contribute anything to this knowledge, the present study successfully distances itself from this uniform and gray bibliographical reality. […] Bustamante’s work constitutes a valuable contribution to our collective, another golden stone in the construction of the astrological pyramid. It is to be hoped that it will receive the welcome it deserves and that its author will continue to offer this discipline his efforts and research talent, for the good of astrology itself”.
Excerpt from the Foreword of ASTROGENESIS, future publication of Sagittarius.
PhD | Javeriana University
Bogotá D.C.
“Bustamante’s work is characterized by an in-depth analytical production that cannot be found in any other work of the present nor of the past (excepting, perhaps, Morin) and that evokes the spirit of science. It shows, moreover, the commitment of its author to the craft, which automatically implies combating its distortion and dishonest profit.”
PhD | Javeriana University
Bogotá D.C.
“Bustamante’s work is characterized by an in-depth analytical production that cannot be found in any other work of the present nor of the past (excepting, perhaps, Morin) and that evokes the spirit of science. It shows, moreover, the commitment of its author to the craft, which automatically implies combating its distortion and dishonest profit.”
Norberto M. García
Writer and Astrologer
“David never quenches his thirst and is always ready to debate, providing his opinion with criteria and intelligence. He is a skeptic who investigates everything and questions even his own ideas, someone who is clear that what he knows is a drop of water in the ocean, which is why he is able to continue to grow uninterruptedly, while contributing.”
Norberto M. García
Writer and Astrologer
“David never quenches his thirst and is always ready to debate, providing his opinion with criteria and intelligence. He is a skeptic who investigates everything and questions even his own ideas, someone who is clear that what he knows is a drop of water in the ocean, which is why he is able to continue to grow uninterruptedly, while contributing.”
Camilo Núñez V.
Practitioner of traditional astrology
Barranquilla, Colombia
“Bustamante is, so far, the author who has best understood and explained the astrological symbols.”
Camilo Núñez V.
Practitioner of traditional astrology
Barranquilla, Colombia
“Bustamante is, so far, the author who has best understood and explained the astrological symbols.”
Astrólogos influyentes
Albumasar, Mashallah y Ezra, Ptolomeo, Morinus y Lilly, Weiss y Cristoff son
algunos de los astrólogos más importantes en la historia de la astrología.
Disfruta de una reseña biográfica sobre cada uno.
Publicación de ensayos, tesis y libros.
Algunos son gratuitos.
Reflexiones de la semana
Reflexiones y análisis cortos por parte de Sagittarius y astrólogos de habla inglesa (traducidos al español). Si te interesa contribuir, escríbenos.
Kelly Suro
Quiero recomendar encarecidamente el servicio de lectura de la carta natal proporcionado por David Bustamante. Su profundo conocimiento y habilidad para interpretar los aspectos astrológicos me dejaron impresionada. Su atención al detalle, confidencialidad, respeto, honestidad y su enfoque compasivo hicieron que la experiencia fuera verdaderamente enriquecedora. Definitivamente, ¡vale la pena contratar su talento para obtener una comprensión más profunda de uno mismo y sus circunstancias!
Josué Arcos
Muy buen astrólogo, certero y conciso en lo que respecta a la lectura natal y sobretodo la virtud que destaca sobre lo demás es la paciencia que ofrece, ¡muy buen sujeto, erudito y experto en su campo! Se agradece la lectura y no dudaré en contratar sus servicios nuevamente para una Rev. Solar seguramente.
Cris Cabrera
Muy satisfecho con la consulta. El astrólogo te guía y orienta en tus aptitudes acordé a tu carta natal. 💯
Rebeca Betancourt
En mis 67 años de edad he pagado por una consulta en varias ocasiones y nunca nadie me habia dicho lo que me dijo David, al menos no con ese detalle sobre cada uno de mis hijos, descubriendo además el diagnóstico del menor. Dice que logra a través del análisis derivado, pero otros lo han hecho y nunca han dado en el clavo. ¡Totalmente satisfecha con el don de este caballero! Primera vez que obtengo luz sobre mis hijos sin sus datos de nacimiento. Muchas gracias David.
William Rendón
Es satisfactorio que nuestro profesor Sagittarius sea apasionado por la academia y la investigación, lo que es evidente en su producción académica. Altamente recomendado su programa de formación en astrología. ¡Muchas gracias!
Carlos Hernández
El análisis astrológico proporcionado por Bustamante en el servicio de carta natal fue sorprendentemente profundo y detallado. Sus observaciones brindaron claridad sobre aspectos de mi vida y mi personalidad, permitiéndome comprenderlos mucho mejor. Lo que realmente destacó fue la libertad que me brindó para hacer preguntas personalizadas, específicas. No hubo restricciones, lo que hizo que la experiencia se adaptara mucho a mi necesidad. Su compromiso en ayudarme a comprender cada aspecto de mi carta fue evidente. De hecho, su servicio sobrepasó las expectativas al cubrir elementos que van más allá de la carta natal. Por ejemplo, su análisis comparativo de revolución solar y una progresión me proporcionó una visión todavía más útil al permitirme planificar para el futuro más fácilmente. Si buscas una experiencia que te haga reflexionar y te ofrezca una comprensión más clara de ti mismo y de tus decisiones, Bustamante es una elección excepcional. Su compromiso tanto con la disciplina como con un servicio hiper personalizado lo convierten en un recurso de confianza único.