
Foreword by Juan Estadella in ASTROGENESIS

Foreword by Juan Estadella in ASTROGENESIS
enero 26, 2025
Autor: Juan Estadella Ferrater
Read here the foreword to a forthcoming work by Sagittarius: the relationship between astrology and genetics, two parallel disciplines.

The 20th century will go down in the history of human knowledge as the rebirth of astrology. After a barren winter, which began in the 17th century with the expulsion of this wisdom from French universities and, decades later, in the 18th century, with the advent of the Enlightenment, astrology returned to the forefront of cultural and scientific news during the last century. The real beginning of this awakening was not, as the history books record, the works that arrived at the turn of the century, be they those of Fomalhaut or of H. Selva in France nor those of Alan Leo in England. Not even the serious and supposedly scientific attempts of the Frenchman Paul Choisnard. In truth, the resurrection of astrology began in Europe in the 1920s, when a succession of research and discoveries led to a glimpse of the truth behind this discipline. In fact, as early as 1898, the Nobel Prize winner in chemistry Svante Arrhenius began a scientific study to analyse the effect of the moon on the weather and upon living beings. However, it was not until the 1920s that A. L. Chizhevsky and Drs. Faure and Sardou began to study sunspots and their relationship to life here on Earth. Decades later, other researchers shall establish bridges between astrology and the reality that surrounds us: Ellsworth Huntington, Maki Takata, Frank A. Brown, and Giorgio Piccardi, among many others. An important milestone in the history of astrology is the appearance in 1955 of the work L’influence des astres: étude critique et expérimental, by Michel Gauquelin. These are the first astrological statistics to be set forth by this French psychologist and researcher. Although his approaches were imperfect, because they partially disaggregated and partially considered this discipline (something that the author of this book correctly points out), his statistics made a definitive breakthrough in modern scientific thought. In fact, many of Gauquelin’s statistics have been successfully replicated and have not been refuted. Subsequently, many other researchers have published statistics that confirm, even if only partially, the same astrology: those of Professor Suitbert Ertel, those of T. Shanks, or the replications of Gauquelin’s work by Arno Müller or Suitbert Ertel, also professors at European universities. Nonetheless, leaving aside the statistical tool, other scientists have contributed interesting findings, and of all kinds, in recent times. This is the case of the German Theodor Landscheidt or Dr. Percy Seymour, South African astrophysicist and astronomer.

David Bustamante’s research follows this exemplary path, undertaken in the last century by a few astrological scholars. In our field, research with a similar profile is desperately needed. The work that the reader has in his hands is an astrological essay that, like others in the same line, can help to put astrology in the place it undoubtedly deserves. In the face of a publishing production full of manuals with useless astrological cookbook recipes, often copies of each other, and which hardly contribute anything to this discipline, the present study successfully distances itself from this uniform and grey bibliographical reality. The subject itself constitutes an investigation into the possible relationship between astrology and genetics, and this link or parallelism is certainly more than suggestive or tantalising: it is highly probable, based upon what one can glimpse in this work. Both disciplines, genetics and astrology, share an indisputable reality: they are different codes with a hereditary character that, in parallel, show the same reality, although in different orders and in a different way. Moreover, as evidenced in this essay, the degree of interrelation between the two fields is not only interesting, but also astonishing. This connection, if not from a physical or biological point of view, may well be at a metaphysical level, at a level of which only now we are beginning to become aware. I will not uncover here the different sections, or even the essence of Astrogenesis, as it is a work that deserves to be read first hand by the reader, but I can say that, although the correspondences that the author unveils are indeed promising, the real importance of this work lies in its seminal condition. That is to say: it is a seed that has been carefully sown so that in time other researchers will take up the baton and deepen and develop the subject to its ultimate implications, which may range from biological to philosophical.

It should be noted also that this work not only offers a novel and original thesis on astrology and genetics, but also includes different transversal sections, scientific and astrological elements that underpin the bulk of his research. Moreover, the author’s astrological vision, close to the astrology cultivated by Jean-Baptiste Morin or Dr. Weiss, permeates this study, thereby providing — as an added value — his exemplifying pure, profound, and scientific conception of astrology. The work is, in short, a valuable contribution to our collective and constitutes a select brick in the construction of the astrological edifice. It is to be hoped that it will receive the welcome it deserves and that its author will continue to gift his efforts and research talent to this discipline, for the fitness and wellness of astrology itself.

Barcelona, Spain
24 January 2023

Foreword by Juan Estadella in ASTROGENESIS

Juan Estadella Ferrater

Read here the foreword to a forthcoming work by Sagittarius: the relationship between astrology and genetics, two parallel disciplines.

Prólogo de Juan Estadella en ASTROGÉNESIS

Juan Estadella F.

Lea aquí el prólogo de un futuro trabajo de Sagittarius: la relación entre astrología y genética, dos disciplinas paralelas.

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