
The Astrological Symbols

The Astrological Symbols

Course Description

This is a short in-depth training in the astrological symbols, i.e., the twelve zodiacal signs, the twelve regions (houses), the main aspects (reactive angular relationships), and the seven to ten celestial bodies that a competent astrologer assesses during the interpretative exercise. Unlike most of the literature on the subject, you will obtain not only more comprehensive but also more specialized or specific information whose validity you will be able to corroborate in the light of multiple known birth charts.

  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Price: USD $179.00
  • Bibliography: Valens, Paulus, Rethorius, Porphyry, Dorotheus (Hellenistic authors). Morinus (17th century), Hand, R. (20th century), Weiss (20th century), and Alpherat (20th century). Also, Sagittarius (David E. Bustamante), as per his “The Planets according to Bustamante Segovia, Weiss, and Alpherat” (PDF readily available under the ‘Publicaciones’ title of this website).
  • Benefits: PDFs of Power Point Presentations and Word documents.

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Asesoría General

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Astrología horaria

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Student Counsel

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Procedural Astrology

Take a brief course in procedural astrology so that you may limit the amount of mistakes you make during interpretation.

The Astrological Symbols

The most effective basic course on the astrological symbols

Academia Sagittarius

Academia de formación integral en astrología.

Horary Question

Make a quick astrological consultation about a specific matter (job interview, work meeting, marriage, starting a business).

Birth Chart

Benefit from an astrological consultation with one of the most accurate astrologers in the Houston area.
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