Learn why there is no such thing as a ‘failure’ or ‘anomaly’ in the polar regions, regardless of the house system. If a method ‘fails’, it does so by its own design, not by the region.
The following is taken from a forthcoming publication: ‘Why some house division methods “fail” in polar regions, according to the uninformed’.
● The 12th House measures 167º (i.e. 167 oblique or zodiacal degrees). However, these constitute not more than 4 min 3 s of length. That is, the 12th House measures exactly that amount of time, for that is exactly the amount of time that said point of the ecliptic would have invested in travelling from the horizon or 1st House cusp to the 12th House cusp (i.e. 02º Cap 02’ had touched the horizon or arrived at the 1st House cusp at 00:35:57). Put simply: that is exactly the amount of time that it would have taken the sun to complete the first sixth (1/6) of its diurnal arc had it occupied said point of the ecliptic (i.e. had it been 23 December 2024). This length of time continues to be exactly the same — for said degree — at any other day of any other year at said latitude, although not exactly at the same time or hour (will vary in small proportions).
● The 1st House measures 9º (i.e. 9 oblique or zodiacal degrees). However, these constitute not less than 16 min 9 s. That is, the 1st House measures exactly that amount of time, for that is exactly the amount of time that said point of the ecliptic would have invested in travelling from the 2nd House cusp to the 1st House cusp (i.e. 19º Gem 28’ had arrived at the 2nd House cusp at 00:23:51). Put simply: that is exactly the amount of time that it would have taken the sun to complete the last sixth (6/6) of its nocturnal arc had it occupied said point of the ecliptic (i.e. had it been 10 June 2024). This length of time continues to be exactly the same — for said degree — at any other day of any other year at said latitude, although not exactly at the same time or hour (will vary in small proportions).
● 19º Gem 28’ would have arrived at the 12th House cusp not earlier than 04:23:53, that is, 3 hr 43 min 53 s later (once 00º Can 00’ touches the IC, everything starts to slow down, not before). Should we need or desire to measure, say, the true distance of an object (be it a planet or a point of the ecliptic) from either an angle or a subangle (house cusp), said measurement is to be conducted in accordance with time. How much time has elapsed since said object rose or rested, culminated or rooted; or vice versa, that is, how much time would have to elapse for said object to rise or rest, culminate or root if it were to occupy, say, 19º Gemini 28’.
● Why should everything always be measured upon the basis of time? Why is time still the cornerstone not only of physics but also of astrology? First, astrology is not independent of physics (nor is it independent of astronomy) and, second, our reality is made up of four dimensions (i.e. the three dimensions of space plus the only dimension of time), better known as spacetime. That is, it is naturally impossible to separate time from space or space from time. See our 26 September paper: “Time Dilation according to Tropical Astrology and Why the Placidus Measurement of Astrographic Regions is Compatible with Relativity Theory” (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13841957). The equation of time is responsible for the first form of relativity known to man, as opposed to Einstein’s special (velocity) and general (gravity) theories of relativity, although velocity is too, involved, with an equivalent — visual — effect to that of special relativity: length contraction.
Do not miss our future publication: “Why Some Methods of House Division ‘Fail’ in Polar Regions, According to the Unaware or Uninformed”. TO BE PUBLISHED SOON.
ADDENDUM. See the astrograph of the illustration presented earlier under the Solar Fire Gold astrological software. First, without the ‘Proportional Houses’. Then, with said function. Whatever astrology software we employ, it is or should be considered only disgraceful that it does not allow the user to continue to employ a natural (Placidian) measurement of the local horizon and resorts, in turn, to equal houses or those of Porphyry (on the pretext of not reflecting the distortion of the houses, as if it were an anomaly, not reality). If anything, the software should employ proportional houses, not a fictitious representation of the local sky (unless the user chooses to do so by selecting whatever house system they normally employ).