
Horary Question

Horary Question

Take a quick advice!

The professional astrologer will be able to provide you with the information you seek about the matter that most concerns you. If you had a job interview on January 7, 2023 at 09:00 a.m. in the morning, for example, or will have one, and you want to know the most probable outcome, it will be enough to have noted the minute of the hour and the date and place where the question was asked or where the event took or will take place. The principle applies to almost any matter or subject (a letter you received, a hearing, the motive of someone who was involved in a crime, etc.).

Some doctors and clinical psychologists, among others (e.g. lawyers), have been known to use this resource whenever the diagnosis proves problematic or difficult.

Duration: 30 to 60 minutes
Price: $19.99 USD

Write or call us at the number or email listed here.

* The astrologer will not lend himself to frivolous or trivial, morbid, or malicious consultations. In fact, an astrologer should render this service to others only, never for himself.

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