
Descriptive Summary of a Birth Chart

Descriptive Summary of a Birth Chart
abril 19, 2023
Autor: David Bustamante S.
Learn how to summarize a birth chart in light of the Ascendant and its ruler, Houses 3 and 10, according to Sagittarius.

Too many times we see astrology softwares (also, amateurs and even astrologers) offer descriptive summaries of people’s birth charts listing the Sun sign, the Moon sign, and the rising sign, which can only be common to thousands of people. That said, it tells us little or nothing about the individual, as anyone can have the moon or the sun — or the ASC — in Aries or Virgo or in any other sign.

This follows from an increasingly common tendency: ignoring the delineating procedure regarding a specific House, a procedure best described by Medieval astrologers (Masha Allah and Ben Ezra, among others) and two Renaissance astrologers, Morin of Villefranche (Paris) and William Lilly (London). As one masters this methodology, one never begins examining a House by its guests, but by the sign of the cusp. Why else would we call the planet that rules the rising sign — better known as the Ascendant — the “natal ruler”? Because it is the planet that presides over the sign at the cusp of that specific region of the chart, the first House, the House that represents the individual and his appearance and genetic and/or physical constitution.

Likewise, the planet that rules a House, regardless of the guests it may present, becomes the significator of that House. Below is the summary that I would suggest to students and astrologers, and for astrology softwares: a complete description of the native’s ASC together with a summary of their 3rd and 10th Houses. The former, because it governs the individual’s cognitive programming, while the latter, its praxis or professional tendency.

Regarding the natal figure on the left side, we would summarize as follows:

  • ASC Cancer + Moon in Aquarius (C7) + Saturn in Pisces (C8)
  • Virgo C3 + Mercury/Uranus in Taurus (C10)
  • Taurus C10 + Venus in Gemini + Mercury/Uranus in Taurus (C10)

Regarding the natal figure on the right side, we would summarize as follows:

  • ASC Leo + Sun in Gemini (C11) + Mercury in Cancer (C12)
  • Libra C3 + Venus in Leo (C12) + Sun in Gemini (C11)
  • Taurus C10 + Venus in Leo (C12) + Sun in Gemini (C11)

Of course, aspects must be assessed, especially those of the natal ruler. For the purpose of the more general summary, however, these descriptions would suffice.

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